This watercolour in progress is sticking with my theme of animals in the natural habitat but with their natural habitat inside them, albeit stylised. ( the blobs on his tail is masking fluid)
Why do roosters ‘Cock-a-Doodle-doo’ in the morning. The greek myth about Alectryon explains, naturally it involves an illicit affair and a tragedy!
The god Ares (Greek god of war) instructed Alectryon to stand outside his door while he had an illicit lovemaking session with Aphrodite (the goddess of love) It seems like this lovemaking session was tantric because it went on for some time, Alectryon fell asleep on his guard duty. Helios (the Sun god) walked in on the couple. Ares as punishment turned Alectryon into a rooster, which never forgets to announce the arrival of the sun in the morning.
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