News / Work in progress / Mythology
Scent Hound
Watercolour in progress of a scent hound. This one is an English Fox hound.
Scent Hound
Watercolour in progress of a scent hound. This one is an English Fox hound.
Blue Fox
This is the finished limited edition screen print. You can see the progress in my earlier post. I decided to print UltraMarine and white on a yellowish Japanese paper called...
Blue Fox
This is the finished limited edition screen print. You can see the progress in my earlier post. I decided to print UltraMarine and white on a yellowish Japanese paper called...
A King that shows Mercy?
Ancient Beast The oldest stories of lions date back to some 32,000 years ago, they are represented in cave paintings in the south of france. More Morden, well about 620...
A King that shows Mercy?
Ancient Beast The oldest stories of lions date back to some 32,000 years ago, they are represented in cave paintings in the south of france. More Morden, well about 620...
I am King (with Daddy issues) – Hesoid, Theogon...
How to establish permanant control over the cosmos. If you have ever wondered how to do this then you need to read Hesoid’s, Theogony/Works and Days. It is about the...
I am King (with Daddy issues) – Hesoid, Theogon...
How to establish permanant control over the cosmos. If you have ever wondered how to do this then you need to read Hesoid’s, Theogony/Works and Days. It is about the...
King of the Jungle!
Watercolour in progress of a Lion (Panthera leo) Lion, king of the jungle. Well not really as lions don’t live in the jungle, they live out on the African Savannah.
King of the Jungle!
Watercolour in progress of a Lion (Panthera leo) Lion, king of the jungle. Well not really as lions don’t live in the jungle, they live out on the African Savannah.
Whale Stories
This is the finished whale picture, as you can see, it’s probably one of my most graphic looking. I mentioned some stories in my earlier post about whales, Famously Jonah...
Whale Stories
This is the finished whale picture, as you can see, it’s probably one of my most graphic looking. I mentioned some stories in my earlier post about whales, Famously Jonah...